Brahms and Bach tour, Martinskirche Basel
All upcoming concerts 

Concert format & venue

All further information on the concert format and venue can be found here.

Tickets & subscriptions

Experience Bach – find information on tickets and subscriptions here.

2. November 2024
Concert Start:  18:00

Johann Sebastian Bach BWV 27 «Wer weiss, wie nahe mir mein Ende»
Johannes Brahms Ein deutsches Requiem, op. 45

Ticket prices
tba CHF 128 / 110 / 92 / 72 / 36

Event organiser

This concert is part of the Brahms and Bach tour. Further concerts:

Friday, 1 November 2024, St. Gallen (SG) // Tonhalle
Sunday, 3 November 2024, Bern (BE) // Casino
Monday, 4 November 2024, Zürich (ZH) // Kirche Oberstrass
Tuesday, 5 November 2024, Schaffhausen (SH) // Kirche St. Johann


Service & Information:

You can contact us with any queries at the Foundation secretariat by telephone +41 71 242 16 61 or by email