Franziska Leschiutta

Franziska Leschiutta (*1988) was born and raised in St Gallen.

After finishing secondary school in St. Gallen, Franziska Leschiutta completed preliminary design studies in Liechtenstein before gaining a diploma in business and commerce at the HSO business school in St. Gallen. She has over eleven years’ experience in the areas of commerce and events, and in 2017 she successfully completed further education as a certified event manager.

Franziska Leschiutta has worked as an external assistant to the J. S. Bach Foundation since 2013, helping to assemble and dismantle the stage. Thanks to this long collaboration, her interest in the Foundation’s project has been ongoing for many years.

In her leisure time, she devotes many hours to her dog, Enza, training her and roaming with her in nature. Franziska Leschiutta’s passion for canines has led her to complete training courses as an advisor for Bach-flower therapies and natural medicine for dogs (2022/2023).

Phone: +41 (0)71 242 16 61