Purpose of the Foundation
In 2011, a second foundation, the International J.S. Bach Foundation of Zurich – whose activities are not limited to a particular region – was founded with its registered office in Zurich.

The aim of the International J.S.Bach Foundation of Zurich is to raise the global profile of the Foundation (whose concert activities are centered in Trogen and St. Gallen in Eastern Switzerland), as well its two instrumental ensembles, its choir, and its artistic director, Rudolf Lutz. The international foundation thus primarily supports performances at important festivals and concerts by renowned promoters and assists in administering the Foundation’s social media presence. In addition, it coordinates international crowd-funding and ensures that donations received by the Foundation are recognised as tax deductible by the tax authorities.
Foundation Board & Managing Director
President of the Foundation Board
Member of the Foundation Board
Member of the Foundation Board
Management of the foundations; publishing and web manager
Foundation supervisory authority
As a non-profit organisation, the International J.S. Bach Foundation of Zurich is not subject to taxation.
Thus, all contributions to the Foundation are tax deductable to the extent that they are recognised as such by the relevant authorities. The International J.S. Bach Foundation of Zurich is subject to the supervision of the “Eidgenössische Stiftungsaufsicht ESA”, a supervisory body to which it annually submits an extensive statement of accounts.