By invitation in Wettingen
All upcoming concerts 

Concert format & venue

All further information on the concert format and venue can be found here.

Tickets & subscriptions

Experience Bach – find information on tickets and subscriptions here.

18. May 2025
Concert Start:  16:00

BWV 84
«Ich bin vergnügt mit meinem Glücke»

Rudolf Lutz
Concerto in A-Dur

BWV 210
«O holder Tag, erwünschte Zeit»


Marie Luise Werneburg, soprano

Rudolf Lutz, musical direction and harpsichord
Orchestra of the J. S. Bach-Stiftung

Service & Information:

Tickets are available directly from the concert organiser.

You can also contact us with any queries at the Foundation Office by telephone +41 71 242 16 61 or by email